So when I was 10ish my parents got me and my older sister a miniature baking set. This baking set came with mini cupcake tray, a mini springform pan, a mini bundt pan, and a mini loaf pan. Its also came with a set of recipe cards. All of which my eccentric preteen self wanted desperately to make. But I was sadly never allowed to make any of them on account of my mother wouldve needed to watch me and never had time for that between watching my 2 younger siblings and cooking and cleaning.
But 5 years later (holy crap! Its been five years!?) my younger sister Jessie wanted just as desperately as I had, to make this adorable little icecream brownie cake. Even now that I'm 15 I still wanted to make my own icecream cake. So I volunteered to help her make it.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I dont think I've ever made a cake that was such a pain! Seriously. If you don't like meticulous things in baking, dont make this. Because dude, I've never worked with icecream before. Its almost as bad as peanut butter. You all know what I'm talking about.
This dessert is a classic brownie crust, with vanilla icream, chocolate fudge topping, and served with whipped cream. I haven't had this before today, but I think it would be best served as an evening dessert.
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup butter or margarine melted
2 tbsp + 2 tsp all purpose flour
2 tbsp + 2 tsp cocoa
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup nuts chopped (optional)
4 tbsp chocolate fudge topping
1 1/2 cups vanilla icecream
Whipped cream to serve with
1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. In a small a bowl cream together sugar and buter.
3. Add the flour, cocoa, salt, vanilla, and egg. Stir until blended.
4. If youre adding nuts; this is when that happens.
5. Pour into a 7" inch spring form pan. (sadly we didnt use the mini one)
6. Bake for 20 minutes.
7. Remove the crust from the oven and spread 2 tbsps of the chocolate fudge topping on it.
8. Cool completely.
9. Put the icecream on it and the other 2 tbsps of chocolate topping on that.
10. Freeze until completely hardened.
11. Carefully run a knife around the edge of the cake and release the sides of the pan.
12. Top with wipped cream and serve quickly before it melts.
Little tips from me: This cake melts really fast. A good idea would be to cut it ahead of time and refreeze it again. That way you dont have to serve melted icecream cake. Because thats just embarrassing.
Also let the icecream sit out until its almost melted and then spread it on the cake. It makes it so much easier.
I personally have definitely had better icecream cake, but I think the ten year old me gained a little recompense for never being able to make this. And thats better than nothing I guess.
And also I didnt think to get a picture of the cake before my family violently devoured it. So, I'm sorry but you will be stuck with this sad picture of a half-melted peice of icecream cake
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